Tuesday, 24 March 2020

#Covid19Update Offices are CLOSED - All staff working safely from home #spencers #sheffield #wearespencer

Dear All,

Our offices are now CLOSED but staff are ALL still working from home. Our phone lines are still open diverted to all staff, we are conducting valuations via video phone, and all urgent repairs are being undertaken as safely as possible by contractors.

If you have an urgent issue please call us on 0114 2683682 during work hours or my personal mobile number is 07770 768896 if you want to call me, Nicola. We are all working on safe ways to continue key handovers for completions, check outs, check ins, and urgent maintenance. 

My own personal circumstances are that my mum has cancer, my dad has serious heart issues, I have five-year-old twins, and a 94 year old grandma with dementia, all who I am shopping for and trying to keep safe. I am sure you all have similar stories and you will want to keep your people safe, just as I am trying to keep mine safe too.

I would like to personally reassure all our tenants, clients, vendors, landlords, and buyers, as well as future clients, that our business will survive this and that I will do everything that I can to ensure that we are still here on the other side.

Thank you in the meantime for your patience and all of your wonderful messages of support of us at Spencer, we have great staff who are all doing their best for the business, each other, and for our clients, as well as for their families too. These are difficult times but I can promise a “no surrender” attitude to keeping everyone safe as well as to keeping staff and our business running as effectively as possible.

We will maintain our social responsibility throughout this time and will promise our best attention at all times.

Stay safe.

With love and best wishes

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