Monday 10 September 2012

Development for Investors and FTB's in #Sheffield

 We have, for some time, been "complaining" on behalf of first time buyers that they are hard done to and have been very unfairly treated by the bankers. A whole generation of first time buyers though are in danger of spending the rest of their lives holding on to the apron strings of their mothers, sucking their thumbs, and feeling rather sorry for themselves. 

Actually there are some fantastic rates on offer now for first time buyers with fixed term low rates for buyers with a 10% deposit. And there are some amazing properties. 

And ACTUALLY a 10% deposit is not out of the ordinary for a first time buyer to need to buy a house. I bought my first house when I was 22 with a 10% deposit and that was typical, and (believe it or not) it isn't really that long ago. I think that there has been a generation bred where borrowing has become far too commonplace, with people having multiple credit cards, and store cards, and with people wanting everything brand new. If most first time buyers were to ask their parents and grandparents, it was far more commonplace in past generations to be given family furniture and to save up for a few years to be able to buy a house. The idea of borrowing 125% to buy a house on the chance of remaining in a rising market was ludicrous, and borrowing nine times your wage was also rather risky, irresponsible even. We are happy that the “crash” in the market has led to much more sensible times. 
So, first time buyers with your 10% deposits! What should you buy? We have this superb new development of properties available just off Woodseats Road, S8 with some quirky features, and great layouts. This is an industrial conversion, which has been a challenge for the developers who haven’t tackled this kind of project before; “the development hasn’t been without its challenges, but we are really very pleased with the final look of the building and the finish provided by our contractors is excellent” said Project Manager Peter.
There are fourteen properties in all; two have already sold, with people due to move in very shortly. All properties have parking spaces securely under the development with internal lift access, and the internal specification mixes modern technology with the original features of the building.

You can’t fail to be impressed by the room sizes, surprising peace and quiet of the location, and amount that you get for your money. For first time buyers, these are a must-see; and for investors, they will rent all day.

Come to our open weekend Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th from 10am to 2pm. Centenary Works, Woodseats Road, Sheffield, S8 0PG. Nicola Spencer, Lee Bullen, our mortgage adviser Matt Harris, and the developers would love to meet you.

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